How to monetize your page

Monetize your website and make money online

When your page is completely ready and you see your page to be visited by a sufficient number of visitors regularly, Make money online by monetizing your page following easy procedurethis is the time for taking initiatives to make money online by monetizing your website. Sounds very interesting! Right. Thinking how is it possible. Yes, this is very much possible to monetize your website. Just apply some techniques. Today we are going to discuss those techniques which can monetize your website very easily. Before starting today’s topic, I would like you to brainstorm the issues well explained in my previous posts:

1) What is search engine optimization (SEO) friendly writing,

2) Use of StumbleUpon in SEO,

3) Pinterest, a wonderful site for SEO of your page,

4) Back-linking, a wonderful technique for search engine optimization.

1. Sell your content

If you can prove yourself as a great content writer on different types of interesting topics, you can sell your content. You can write sponsor articles on your website for other people’s page, product, or service. You also can write articles for other people’s page to make money online. Remember that you have to prove yourself first as a great content warrior promoting your own page. So, write on diversified subjects using quality contents. Once your posts are able to make visitors interested, your contents will start to be promoted. No doubt you should have the clear concept of both on page and off page SEO. I have written in my several posts mentioned above about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you are able to promote your contents, you’ll start to get offers to sell your content. This is how you can monetize your website.

2. Affiliate Marketing

As a matter of fact, affiliate marketing is a famous marketing facility which helps people to make money online by promoting products of various electronic commerce companies. There are many e-commerce companies in the world. For example, I would like to mention about Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, Best Buy, Apple, etc. Anyone can become an affiliate, promote any product of any e-commerce company and earn commission by using his own website. I have written a detailed article on this in my another post. To read the full article please click on Become an affiliate and earn money by marketing. In addition, one can also post ads of any product of an e-commerce company and earn commission by selling the product. This is another way to monetize your website.

3. Online service

Remember that website is a wonderful platform to offer an online service. You can initiate an online training course. First, find out your visitors’ interest. Grow your expertise in the desired subject. Prepare online training modules. When you are all set, just offer your training course for a reasonable fee. Again, you also can offer any service that you think you are able to provide very efficiently. The services may include Web Design, Graphic Design, WordPress, SEO, Research, etc. To promote your training course/service you can take help from Google Adwords. You also can take help from the e-commerce companies to sell your training course/service.

4. Pay per click Ads

Pay per click Ad is a huge opportunity to make money online using your page. This is an interesting concept to monetize your website. The ad provider will provide you the ad codes to incorporate into your page. You can insert the ad codes in any position on your page. The concept is you will be paid money for each valid clicks on each pay per click ad. Some famous pay per click ad providers is Google Adsense, Infolinks,, Chitika, etc. If you have an average number of visitors, you can earn a handsome amount of money per month. You can receive money using your PayPal, Payoneer, or local bank account.

5. Rent space for Ads

Renting space of your page is another way to monetize your website. If your page is well optimized and you earn a good number of traffic, many people will be interested to buy space of your page to publish their Ads. You may get an offer to publish ads for products, services, blogs, or web pages on your page. Rent space of your page for Ads in a standard rate. Set a suitable payment method with your client to receive money timely. Remember that you have to maintain each and every strategy to keep the traffic on your page high and make money online. If you lose your traffic, your client may remove his/her Ad from your page.


How to monetize your page
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How to monetize your page
When your page is completely ready and you see your page to be visited by a sufficient number of visitors regularly, this is the time for taking initiatives to generate income from your page. Sounds very interesting! Right. Thinking how is it possible. Yes, this is very much possible. Just apply some techniques. Today we are going to discuss about those techniques which can monetize your page very easily. Before starting today's topic, I would like you to brain storm the issues well explained in my previous posts: What is search engine optimization (SEO) friendly writing, Use of StumbleUpon in SEO, Pinterest, a wonderful site for SEO of your page, Back-linking, a wonderful technique for search engine optimization.
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