Category «Research»

Commonly used validation codes in KoBoToolbox

What are validation codes in KoBoToolbox? KoBoToolbox has a wonderful feature to restrict any variable under certain validation criteria. However, this is known as the validation code in KoBoToolbox. Suppose you want to restrict the Age variable under the validation criteria that Age will lie in a range of between 15 and 45. That means …

How to create a KoBoToolbox account for KoBo data collection

What is KoBo data collection? KoBo data collection is the process of collecting data from the field using mobile devices like smartphones or tablets with the help of a free open-source tool called KoBoToolbox. Nowadays, KoBo data collection is very much familiar in social surveys. However, one can easily design a survey form using KoBo …

Frequently used SPSS syntax commands

What are the SPSS syntax commands? Nowadays, SPSS software is very famous for data analysis. SPSS meaning is Statistical Package for Social Sciences. SPSS syntax commands are the way to open files, edit data, generate results and save files using its syntax window. Although you can do these things using drop-down menus, syntax makes them easier. Sometimes it becomes …

How to merge two data sets using SPSS

Why do we need to merge two datasets? Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) is a powerful software for SPSS data. Today we are going to discuss an interesting use of SPSS, known as data merging as well as data matching. Data merging is so much important for the researchers to merge two datasets into one. …

How to design a survey

Survey design As a matter of fact, research is a very important component in the development of human society. There are many different ways to do a research. Survey research is a well-known method to do a research very easily. It is a commonly used method to collect information about any population in any aspect. The present article …