Build quality SEO backlinks to increase traffic

What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process to keep your page on the first page of the search engines. That meansBuild quality SEO backlinks to optimize your page and build traffic fast if your page is optimized, it will be shown on the first page of the search engines when anybody makes a search by any keyword related to your page. In fact, there are many ways to optimize any page. To build quality SEO backlinks is one of the most powerful techniques. Today we are going to discuss this powerful technique.

What are backlinks?

To say nothing of the concept of backlinks is very simple. Choose some renowned sites, forums, or question-answer platforms where you can post the link to your page. Remember that your page will be optimized more effectively if you are able to build quality SEO backlinks as many as possible in different sites with different domains. Please note that you should build quality SEO backlinks in those sites in such a manner that these can attract the visitors to visit your page. Before posting the link add some necessary contents to make the most interesting to the readers. As a result, the readers will visit your page which will help your page to be optimized.

Which sites should I select to build quality SEO backlinks?

As a matter of fact, there are so many sites in the universe those may help you to build quality SEO backlinks. It may vary based on the focus of your page. I would like to discuss some commonly used sites, forums, or question-answer platforms which may be used to build quality SEO backlinks.

1. Yahoo answers:

Yahoo answer is mostly used question-answer platform where you can backlink your page. Click on yahoo answer. Search for a relevant topic. Choose a question which you think is able to answer perfectly. Write very detail answer. Give the reference to your page. Post your answer. This is how you can build quality SEO backlinks for your page in yahoo answers.

2. Microsoft community:

This is a free community as well as the discussion forum for asking and answering questions. This is very similar to yahoo answer. Click on Microsoft community. Sign in with your Microsoft account. Add your page title and page link to the Microsoft account profile. This is how you can build quality SEO backlinks for your page in Microsoft community.

3. Trello:

Trello is another famous site to build quality SEO backlinks. Go to Trello. Sign up for a new account. Go to the profile. Add as many as possible links to your page and posts in the profile. This is how you can build quality SEO backlinks for your page in Trello.

4. Storify:

Storify is another effective site to backlink your page. Go to Storify. Sign up for a new account. Add page link to the Storify profile. Storify provides another outstanding opportunity to backlink your every post in the form of a story. To enjoy this opportunity you have to create a new story. Now enter a headline and enter a short description of your story. Remember that the description of the story should be within two lines not more than that. Now click on the embed URL option. Put your related post link here. Click on search. It will generate a snippet. Drag and drop the snippet under the description on the left-hand side. Now click on publish. Storify will publish your story as well as it will backlink your post. In this way, you can build quality SEO backlinks for your page in Storify.

5. Copyrighted:

Copyrighted is an amazing site to copyright your page. Click on Copyrighted. Sign up for a new account. Complete your account setting. Go to register Copyright. Click on protect web page. Put your page link and protect it. This is how you can build quality SEO backlinks for your page in Copyrighted.

6. MyAlltop:

MyAlltop is another powerful site to backlink your page.  First, click on MyAlltop. Create a new account. Submit your page along with necessary information. MyAlltop will take a while to approve your page. Once MyAlltop approves your page, you’ll see your page in MyAlltop with recent five posts. This is how you can build quality SEO backlinks for your page in MyAlltop.

7. Imfaceplate:

Imfaceplate is a wonderful site to build quality SEO backlinks for your page. You also can earn money using its referral program. Click on Imfaceplate and sign up for a new account. Set your page link to the Imfaceplate profile. Write articles for each post and add the relevant post link into each article. This is how you can build quality SEO backlinks for your page in Imfaceplate.

8. Adzly:

Adzly is a wonderful site to create an ad and increase traffic. One can also earn money using its referral program. Click on  Adzly and create a new account. Create widgets to show others’ ads on your page and earn credits. Besides, create ads to show your page on others’ pages using your earned credits.

9. Easyhits4u:

Easyhits4u is an amazing site to increase traffic. One can earn money just by surfing. There is also referral program to earn money. Click on  Easyhits4u and create a new account. Add your all page links and post links into Easyhits4u. This is how you can build quality SEO backlinks for your page as well as for your posts in Easyhits4u. Now, your work is to surf. It’s a very easy task. The more you surf, the more your page gets traffic. In the meantime, you are earning money for the surfing.


Build quality SEO backlinks to increase traffic
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Build quality SEO backlinks to increase traffic
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process to keep your page on the first page of the search engines. That means if your page is optimized, it will be shown on the first page of the search engines when anybody makes a search by any keyword related to your page. In fact, there are many ways to optimize any page. To build quality SEO backlinks is one of the most powerful techniques. Today we are going to discuss this powerful technique.
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