Affiliate marketing
As a matter of fact, affiliate marketing is a famous marketing facility which helps people earning commissions by promoting products of various electronic commerce companies. There are many e-commerce companies in the world. For example, I would like to mention about Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, Best Buy, Apple, etc. Today, we are going to discuss eBay. eBay is an America based e-commerce company which facilitate online customer to customer and business to customer sales. Anyone can promote any product of eBay and make money affiliate marketing by using his own website.
Prepare your website to make money affiliate marketing
First, create your own website. Start writing interesting blogs on your website. Increase the traffic to your website. Once, you find that your site is getting more and more traffic, only then you may proceed to the next step. In the meantime, you have to complete all procedures of on page and off page optimization. If everything is well set, go to the next step.
Become an eBay affiliate
Now, click on eBay affiliate. Click on Sign Up Now. Since, you don’t have an eBay account, create your first eBay account fulfilling all registration procedures. Once, your registration procedure is completed and you arrive on your dashboard, you should set your payment information clicking on Account. Now, you are ready to start promoting any eBay product to make money affiliate marketing.
Select a product
Go to eBay. Click on All Categories. Select the category of the product that you want to promote. Choose the product. Copy the item ID. Click on Tools. Select Link Generator. Fill up all options. Especially, set Link Type as Item ID, Paste the Item ID below and Create New Campaign for Campaign Name or ID. Once, all options are filled up, click on Generate Link. You’ll see the code. You’ll be given both JavaScript and HTML. Choose HTML code for WordPress.
Put the product link on your website
Copy the HTML code and paste it into a new post on your website. Remember that you have to paste the HTML code in Text mode. Try to give some product description for the visitors so that they become interested to click on the link and buy the product. This how you can make money affiliate marketing.