How to check your website backlinks

What is backlinking?

As I discussed before in my post, Backlinking, a wonderful technique for search engine optimization, Backlinking is one of the most powerful techniques. The concept of backlinking is very simple. The concept is to backlink your Free backlink checker to check website backlinks and remove bad onewebsite into different sites with different domains. Your page optimization depends on the number of quality backlinks. So you have to identify whether the site you selected to backlink your page is good or bad. Always backlink your page into a good site. You have to identify the good sites applying your common sense before backlink your page. If you already have backlinked your page in some sites you can have the list of those sites using free backlink checker of Google Search Console.

This would be wise if you visit the site before backlinking your page. See its all features. Be sure that the site has no bad purposes. If you can follow this simple strategy you will always be able to save your page from negative SEO. But the problem arises if anybody backlinks your page into a bad site for the negative SEO. Wondering how is it possible? Yes, this is very much possible. Imagine the situation when you see your thousands of traffics have been lost waking up in a morning. To avoid this unwanted situation you have to monitor the backlinks of your page regularly. Google Search Console is the best option to monitor the backlinks of your page using its free backlink checker. Today we are going to discuss how to check your website backlinks using free backlink checker of Google Search Console and how to remove the bad backlinks.

What is Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a wonderful tool to monitor the Google Index status of your website. You also can know the Search Appearance status, Search Traffic status, Crawl status, Security Issues, etc. of your website using this tool. You have to monitor Search Traffic status of Google Search Console to check your website back-links. To get access to Google Search Console, you first need to create a Gmail account. Using this account you can access the Google Search Console.

How to add a property to Google Search Console

Once you have submitted your site to Submit URL, this is the time to add your website to Google Search Console. To do this first go to the Google Search Console using your Gmail account. In the Search Console Home, you will see the ADD A PROPERTY button. Click on this button. Write down your webpage URL correctly in the given box and then click on Add. At this stage, Google Search Console will want to verify your ownership of this website. To verify your ownership just click on Verify. Google Search Console will provide you a Tracking Code. Copy the code and paste the code right before the </head> (end HEAD) HTML tag. Just follow, Appearance-> Editor-> Theme Header-> paste the code right before the </head>. Click on Update File. To complete the verification process click on Verify in verification page of Google Search Console.

How to get the list of existing backlinks using free backlink checker

Once you have verified your page, you will get access to your website property. To get access to your property click on your website link is shown on Search Console Home. It will take you to the Dashboard. Now, just follow, Search Traffic-> Links to Your Site-> Who links the most-> More-> Download more sample links. This is the free backlink checker of Search Console. You can download the list of existing backlinks either in CSV file or Google Docs file. Have a look at the list. Check clicking on the links if needed. If you see all links are alright that’s fine. But if you see any of the links is problematic you have to submit the link for removing your own website URL from that link.

How to remove bad backlinks

When you identify the bad URLs among the list of the backlinks provided by the free backlink checker, removing them becomes very much important to get rid of negative SEO. Google Search Console will remove bad backlinks for you. You just have to submit the URL of the bad backlink writing on a text file. To submit a bad backlink, go to Disavow and follow, DISAVOW LINKS-> Disavow Links-> Choose File-> Submit. Google will remove the bad backlink within few days. This is the way you can get rid of the negative SEO.

How to check your website back-links
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How to check your website back-links
As I discussed before in my post Back-linking, a wonderful technique for search engine optimization, Back-linking is one of the most powerful techniques. The concept of back-linking is very simple. The concept is to back-link your website into different sites with different domains. Your page optimization depends on the number of quality back-links. So you have to identify whether the site you selected to back-link your page is good or bad. Always back-link your page into a good site. You have to identify the good sites applying your common sense before back-link your page. First, visit the site you want to back-link your own page. See its all features. Be sure that the site has no bad purposes. If you can follow this simple strategy you will always be able to save your page from negative SEO. But the problem arises if anybody back-links your page into a bad site for the negative SEO. Wondering how is it possible? Yes, this is very much possible. Imagine the situation when you see your thousands of traffics have been lost waking up in a morning. To avoid this unwanted situation you have to monitor the back-links of your page regularly. Google Search Console is the best option to monitor the back-links of your page. Today we are going to discuss how to check your website back-links and how to remove the bad back-links using Google Search Console.
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