how to get free SSL certificate

What is an SSL certificate?

As a matter of fact, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate ensures to keep visitors information like passwords, credit card how to get free SSL certificateinformation, login information, etc. secure. Moreover, it protects visitors’ sensitive information from thieves and hackers. In fact, when you install an SSL certificate on your web server, it shows a green padlock on the browser. As a result, your site migrates from HTTP to https. In particular, the “s” in https means secure. Migrating one site from HTTP to https also helps in SEO. Please note that it is very much important to install SSL certificate on your web server if you want to sell any product from your site. Therefore, you can avail either purchased or free SSL certificate. Let’s learn how to get free SSL certificate.

What is free SSL certificate?

In fact, there are many SSL companies in the world like GoDaddy, Comodo, DigiCert, etc. Definitely, you can buy SSL certificate from these service providers. But, you also can get free SSL certificate from SSL For Free. This site generates SSL certificate for free. This provides 99.9% trusted SSL certificate for all browsers. The SSL certificate provided by this site works forever. You just need to renew it every year. Let’s learn step-by-step how to get free SSL certificate.

How to get free SSL certificate?

First, you have to open the link SSL For Free to get free SSL certificate. Now, enter your domain name. Click on Create Free SSL Certificate. You will see three options: Automatic FTP Verification, Manual Verification and Manual Verification (DNS). Select Manual Verification. Click on Manually Verify Domain. You will be asked to download two files: 1) Download File #1 and 2) Download File #2. Now, download these two files on your computer.

Next, you have to go to your cPanel and click on File Manager. Open the “public_html” folder. Create a new folder there and name it “.well-known”. Open this folder and create another new folder under this. Name it “acme-challenge”. Upload the files you have downloaded a few minutes ago into “acme-challenge”. You will be given two links to verify the successful upload. Therefore, you just need to click on the links. Click on Download SSL Certificate. Hence, you will be provided the certificate files: Certificate, Private Key, and CA Bundle.

How to install free SSL certificate?

Now, its time to install the free SSL certificate. In fact, installing free SSL certificate is very simple. Click on the SSL/TLS under SECURITY option of the cPanel. Again, click on Manage SSL sites under Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS). Furthermore, select your domain. It will show you three boxes: Certificate: (CRT), Private Key (KEY) and Certificate Authority Bundle (CABUNDLE). Copy Certificate, Private Key, and CA Bundle that you have been provided a few minutes ago. Paste them into the relevant boxes under your domain. Click on Install Certificate. After a while, it will show you the massage SSL Host Successfully Installed. Click on OK.

How to activate free SSL certificate in WordPress?

Finally, to activate your free SSL certificate in WordPress you have to install the plugin Really Simple SSL. After activating the plugin, it will recognize your free SSL certificate installed on the cPanel and also ask you to activate the certificate. Just do this and you are all set. In addition, you have to change your settings in Google Analytics and Webmaster tools once you activate SSL certificate for your site.

how to get free SSL certificate
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how to get free SSL certificate
As a matter of fact, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate ensures visitors to keep their information like passwords, credit card information, login information, etc. secure. Moreover, it protects visitors sensitive information from thieves and hackers. In fact, when you install an SSL certificate on your web server, it shows a green padlock on the browser. As a result, your site migrates from http to https. In particular, the "s" in https means secure. Migrating one site from http to https also helps in SEO. Please note that it is very much important to install SSL certificate on your web server if you want sell any product from your site. Therefore, you can avail either purchased or free SSL certificate. Let's learn how to get free SSL certificate.
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