BoostSuite, a free Ads website for online advertising

BoostSuite, free Ads website

BoostSuite is a free Ads website to boost your webpage traffic. It allows you to create a free online advertisement BoostSuite, a free tool for online advertisingand shows this on the pages of your optimal marketing partners. Setting your page on BoostSuite is also another back-linking technique. The concept is very easy. When you set your page on BoostSuite, it allows you to build a free ad. Then it asks to find marketing partners. The procedure is simply to send a partnership request to the ideal marketing partners. When they accept your request, your ad will be shown on their pages and the visitors to their pages will see your ad. So, as many as possible marketing partners you are able to find, your co-marketing audience will be increased accordingly.

How to start?

This free Ads website is very much easy to start with. First, sign up a new BoostSuite account. Don’t forget to submit URL/enter the domain name that you want to promote. When you get your BoostSuite account, click on settings and set Business Details and Customer Targeting in Profile. Then, go to the Tracking Code. Select the appropriate code for your site. Copy and paste the code right before the </head> (end HEAD) HTML tag.

Just follow, Appearance-> Editor-> Theme Header-> paste the code right before the </head>. For confirming that the tracking code is installed properly, visit your site and visit at least five different pages, then return to Tracking Code and reload. The Tracking Code Status at the top will indicate whether or not BoostSuite is receiving tracking data from your site. If you see the message “All good here. The tracking code is properly installed on your website”, then you are all set.

How to create an Ad?

To create your Ad in this free Ads website, go to Ads. Click on Edit. Enter required information into the required fields. Then click on Save Ad. Remember that since you are using the BoostSuite free package, you are allowed to set only your Home Page. So, don’t try to set other pages or posts except for the Home Page. Once you save your Ad, it will be live on BoostSuite Advertisement. If you need to edit something in your Ad, you can do this going to the Edit option and clicking on Save Ad.

How to find marketing partners?

For finding marketing partners, go to Find Marketing Partners. You will see the businesses serve customers located everywhere along with Match Score and the number of visitors/month. You just need to click ‘Request’ buttons to make partnership requests. Pending requests will be listed on the Pending Requests option. On the other hand, the requests made by other people will be listed on the Incoming Requests option. When either the pending requests made by you are approved by your partners or the incoming requests made by other people are approved by you, all will be listed on Partners.

Finally, You have to increase your co-marketing audience by requesting more partnerships. The increase of your co-marketing audience will increase the traffic to your webpage.

BoostSuite, a free tool for online advertising
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BoostSuite, a free tool for online advertising
BoostSuite is a powerful tool to boost your webpage traffic. It allows you to create free online advertisement and shows this on the pages of your optimal marketing partners. Setting your page on BoostSuite is also another back-linking technique. The concept is very easy. When you set your page on BoostSuite, it allows you to build a free ad. Then it asks to find marketing partners. The process is just to send partnership request to the optimal marketing partners. When they accept your request, your ad will be shown on their pages and the visitors of their pages will see your ad. So, as many as possible marketing partners you are able to find, your co-marketing audience will be increased accordingly.
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