Sell eBooks online from your website

What is an eBook?

An electronic book (eBook) is the digital version of a book and you can sell eBooks onlineĀ from your website. You may insert text, images, or both into your eBook. One can read an eBook using devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. You can use canva, an amazing tool for graphic design online to create an eBook. This is a free tool, so you can sign up for a new canva account anytime and create an eBook as you want.

Sell eBooks online from your website

How to create an eBook using canva?

It’s very easy to create an eBook. First of all, you have to log into your canva account. Then click on More. Scroll down and select Book Cover fromĀ Blogging & eBooks. Choose any Book Cover that matches your eBook content. Make the necessary editing to furnish the Book Cover. Add pages by clicking on Add a new page. Add necessary headings, subheadings, and body texts on each page to complete your eBook. Once you finish creating your eBook, click on Download. Select the PDF – Standard (Recommended) option to download your eBook. Now, your eBook is ready to be sold.

Sell eBooks online from your website

How to sell eBooks online from your website?

Once you create your eBook, you can sell it from your website. You just need to install the plugin “Easy Digital Downloads” to sell an eBook. After installing the plugin, the WordPress dashboard menu will show it. You will see this as Downloads on your WordPress dashboard menu. Keep the cursor on Downloads. You will see several options. Select Add New. Enter the Download name (you may enter an attractive title for your eBook). Write a brief description of your eBook. Enter the price for your eBook on Pricing Options. Select the type of your product from Product Type Options. Put a File Name and upload your eBook using Download file ID. Put some Download Notes. You are almost done to start selling your eBook. You just need to click on Publish. This is how you can sell ebooks online.

Sell eBooks online from your website

Before publishing your eBook please ensure to set the Payment Gateways in the Downloads Settings option. This is very much important to receive payment from your buyer. Don’t forget to test your payment option using Test Payment. When you set these things, you are all set to sell eBooks from your website.

Sell an eBook on your website
Article Name
Sell an eBook on your website
Electronic book (eBook) is the digital version of a book. You may insert text, images, or both into your eBook. One can read an eBook using the devices like smart phone, tablet, laptop, etc. You can use canva, an amazing tool for graphic design online to create an eBook. This is a free tool, so you can sign up for a new canva account anytime and create an eBook as you want.
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