How to make video slideshow using PowerPoint presentation

Nowadays video materials are very much important for content marketing. Especially, video material helps you to optimize your page. In fact, you can make your content richer by inserting a video material. It will help you to index your page in Google. Again, you can publish your video material on Youtube as well as link it to your post. As a result, people who will visit your video material on Youtube, they will also visit your page. Finally, you will get some free traffic. Today, we are going to discuss how to make video slideshow very easily. This is the easiest method to make a video slideshow using PowerPoint presentation. We will need two things to make a video slideshow using PowerPoint presentation:

  1. A PowerPoint presentation; and
  2. Windows Movie Maker.

How to make a PowerPoint presentation for video slideshow?

First, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that you want to convert into a video. Use as many slides as you need to complete the PowerPoint presentation. Click on the Office Button in the left upper corner of your PowerPoint file. Select Save As. Go to Other Formats. Give a file name and browse the location where you want to save this file. Choose the Save as the type of JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg). Hit the Save button.

Therefore, Microsoft Office PowerPoint will ask you “Do you want to export every slide in the presentation or only the current slide?” Of course, select Every Slide. After a while, Microsoft Office PowerPoint will show you the confirmation message. Click on OK. Then open the folder where you saved your file. You will see all the slides of your PowerPoint presentation in jpg format. Now you are ready to make the video from PowerPoint presentation using slideshow maker.

How to make video slideshow using PowerPoint presentation

How to make video slideshow using PowerPoint presentation

How to make a video slideshow using PowerPoint presentation

Then, download as well as install the software of Windows Movie Maker (slideshow maker) from the internet. Double click as well as open Windows Movie Maker. Click on Add videos and photos. Browse and show the location of the slides of your PowerPoint presentation in jpg format. Select all of the jpg files and click on Open. Hit on Add music. Add as many music clips as needed. If you want to add animations, click on Animations and select animation for each jpg file. If you think everything is alright then click on Save movie and save the movie in a preferable location. It will take some time to prepare the video.

How to make video slideshow using PowerPoint presentation

As soon as Windows Movie Maker/slideshow video maker complete preparing the video, you can watch it double clicking on the video file. You can use video material in your blog posts. This is also possible to post any video material on Youtube. Insert the post link in your Youtube video. As a result, the people who watch your Youtube video will also visit your page.

How to make video using PowerPoint presentation
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How to make video using PowerPoint presentation
Nowadays video materials are very much important for content marketing. Video material helps you to optimize your page. You can make your content richer by inserting a video material. It will help you to index your page in Google. Again, you can publish your video material on Youtube and link it to your post. As a result, people who will visit your video material on Youtube, they will also visit your page. Finally, you will get some free traffic. Today, we are going to discuss how to make video slideshow very easily. This is the easiest method to make video slideshow using PowerPoint presentation. We will need two things to make video slideshow using PowerPoint presentation: 1) A PowerPoint presentation, 2) Windows Movie Maker.
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