Frequently used Excel formulas

In particular, Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft is very much familiar with featuring calculation. In fact, there are so many frequently used formulas in MS Excel. However, the present article discusses Frequently used excel formulas, a step-by-step guide on how to buildsome frequently used Excel formulas. Especially, this article intends to show how you can calculate Greatest Common Divisor (GCD), Least Common Multiple (LCM), Square Root, Power, Round, Sum, Average, Median, Mode, Minimum, and Maximum using easy formulas in MS Excel.

Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)

For instance, suppose you have three numbers, n1, n2, and n3. You want to calculate GCD in MS Excel. This is one of the frequently used Excel formulas. Just write down the expression “=GCD(n1,n2,n3)” in any cell of your spreadsheet. As a result, the spreadsheet will show you the answer in that cell.

Least Common Multiple (LCM)

In the same way, If you want to calculate LCM of some numbers say n1, and n2, this is also another frequently used Excel formulas. Similar to GCD, write down the expression “=LCM(n1, n2)” in any cell of the spreadsheet. Likewise, you’ll see the answer in that cell of the spreadsheet.

Square Root

Furthermore, Suppose you want to calculate Square Root of a number say n1. Accordingly, write down the expression “=SQRT(n1)” in any cell of the spreadsheet. In the same way, you’ll see the Square Root of your desired number in that cell of the spreadsheet.


In fact, this a common term in Mathematics. 1 to the power 1 = 1, 2 to the power 2 i.e. 2 square = 4, 3 to the power 3 i.e. 3 cube = 27. Again, you can calculate any power of any number very easily using a simple formula in MS Excel. Suppose you have two numbers say n1 and n2. You want to calculate n1 to the power n2. Just write down the expression “=POWER(n1,n2)” in any cell of your spreadsheet. In a like manner, you’ll see the result of n1 to the power n2 in that cell.


On the other hand, suppose you want to change a number with a fraction into the round. You can make it either complete round or you can keep some decimal places after the point. Let us say that your desired number has decimal places of 4 after point (5.7683) and you want to change into decimal places of 2 after the point. Write down this easy formula “=ROUND(5.7683, 2)” in any cell of your spreadsheet. Similarly, the spreadsheet will show you the answer (5.77) in the same cell.


Again, you may need to calculate the sum of different numbers, let us say that n1, n2, n3. Put the numbers in different cells, say A1, A2, A3. Suppose you want to see the sum in the cell A4. Therefore, write the following formula in the cell A4 and press enter. However, the formula is very simple “=(A1+A2+A3)”.

Other frequently used Excel formulas

In addition, you can calculate the average, median, mode, minimum, and also maximum using the same types of frequently used Excel formulas. Similarly, these frequently used formulas are:

  1. “=AVERAGE(n1, n2, n3, ….)”;
  2. “=MEDIAN(n1, n2, n3, ….)”;
  3. “=MODE(n1, n2, n3, ….)”;
  4. “=MIN(n1, n2, n3, ….)”; and
  5. “=MAX(n1, n2, n3, ….)”.
Frequently used formulas in MS Excel
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Frequently used formulas in MS Excel
In particular, Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft is very much familiar with featuring calculation. In fact, there are so many formulas used in MS Excel. However, the present article discusses some important formulas frequently used in MS Excel. Especially, this article intends to show how you can calculate Greatest Common Divisor (GCD), Least Common Multiple (LCM), Square Root, Power, Round, Sum, Average, Median, Mode, Minimum, and Maximum using easy formulas in MS Excel.
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