Earn money using AdFly

Particularly AdFly is famous for URL shortening service that may lead you to earn money. The present article will tell you how to earn money using AdFly. As an example, pick a Earn money using AdFlylink that you think people will like. Go to the home page of AdFly. Put the link in the blank box shown by an arrow saying that shorten a link. Now click on Shrink! It will take some time to shorten the link. When the link is shortened, just copy the link, paste it into your facebook, twitter, linkedin, email, etc. and post it with an attractive introduction.

When visitors click on your post, especially they will see an AdFly advertisement first. After five seconds they will see the SKIP AD option. If they click on SKIP AD option then they will see the original post. In the meantime, you will earn some money. Similarly, you can earn money by referring AdFly to other people as well as adding AdFly advertisement in your own website. The below is the step by step process.

Create an account to earn money using AdFly

To earn money using AdFly first, you have to create an AdFly account browsing the link: https://join-adf.ly/16208041 and sign up a new account by clicking on Join Now option. Next, fill up the following fields:

  1. Your Name- Type your name
  2. Username- Type your username
  3. Email- Type your email address
  4. Retype Email- Retype your email address
  5. Account Type- Select Link Shrinker: Create shortened URLs and earn money
  6. Password- Type your password
  7. Retype Password- Retype your password
  8. Human Check- Fill up the text box with the given CAPTCHA.
  9. I agree to the terms and conditions- Check the box
  10. Join- Click on Join

As soon as completing the above procedure you will receive an email for the verification. Follow the instructions in the email. Log in to your AdFly account. You should update your all account information clicking on Account option. Especially, you must set the withdrawal information. Set both Payment Processor and Withdrawal Account. Insert your photo. Now, you are well set to start with AdFly.

Click on Referrals option. You will see Referral Program and Referral Banners. You can earn both from Referral Program, and Referral Banners. These are very simple steps. Just follow the instructions.

Referral Program to earn money using AdFly

Below the Referral Program option, you will see your referral link. Refer this link to others. You can refer the link using facebook, twitter, linkedin, email, etc. As soon as people start to click on the referral link, you will start to earn. It’s so easy. Just follow the easy steps.

Referral Banners to earn money using AdFly

Below the Referral Banners option, you will see several types of advertisements’ sample. Select your preferred one. Copy the HTML code below the advertisement sample and paste it between <head> and </head> just above <?php wp_head(); ?> of the Theme Header (header.php). To access the Theme Header (header.php) you have to go through this way, Appearance->Editor->Theme Header (header.php). Instantly, The ad will appear on your page. Similarly, as soon as people start to click on the ad, you will start to earn money.

Earn money using AdFly
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Earn money using AdFly
Particularly AdFly is famous for URL shortening service that may lead you to earn money. As an example, pick a link that you think people will like. Go to the home page of AdFly. Put the link on the blank box shown by an arrow saying that shorten a link. Now click on Shrink! It will take some time to shorten the link. When the link is shortened, just copy the link, paste it on your facebook, twitter, linkedin, email, etc. and post it with an attractive introduction.
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