how to check plagiarism before submitting a post

What is plagiarism?

Nowadays, particularly in content writing, plagiarism is a common problem. Plagiarism, known as literary theft is the act of taking someone else’s written works and using it as your own. In fact, you may copy data from pages, books, articles, etc those own other people and claim it as your own. No doubt, this is a criminal act. However, you don’t copy-paste directly. You usually take contents from other people work and reword them as necessary. If you take content from someone else’s work, it is important to show the source of the data inside your write up inserting the appropriate reference. In this case, if you don’t refer another person’s words or thoughts appropriately, this will be considered as an act of falsification. So this is very much important to check plagiarism before submitting a post. Today, we are going to discuss a free plagiarism checker, Small SEO Tools.

Google penalty for plagiarism

As a matter of fact, Google has some provision of punishments for plagiarism. Certainly, there is a monitoring system from Google which monitors regularly to check duplicate contents from site to site. That means Google has its own system to find out whether anybody is copying content from different destinations and republishing it without including any extra value. At the point when Google’s duplicate content control system discovers copy-paste content, it may punish the whole website even for a single copy-paste post. However, Google penalty for plagiarism may affect the SEO of your page. Google may rank down your page for using duplicate contents. So it’s better to fix any issues for your contents checking plagiarism with the help of some easy online tools.

Check plagiarism using free plagiarism checker, Small SEO Tools

You can use plagiarism checker online to check plagiarism. Small SEO Tools is the most amazing plagiarism checker free online. This tool is very much easy to use. If you want to check plagiarism of your content you just need to visit Small SEO Tools. You’ll see Plagiarism Checker option there. Click on the Plagiarism Checker option. Little scrolling down you’ll see the instruction “Copy and paste your text below:”.

Under this instruction, there is a box with another instruction “Paste content here to check Plagiarism”. Copy the content that you want to check for plagiarism. Paste it into the box. Press the green button on the box with the label “Check Plagiarism”. It will take some time to check the plagiarism. After a while, it will show you the result line by line.

Plagiarism checker, Small SEO Tools is an easy tool to check plagiarism

Finally, unique contents will be shown in green color and plagiarized contents will be shown in red color. Please note that if you take some contents from any post on your website and check them using Small SEO Tools for plagiarism, it would give you the result that your contents are plagiarized. That means it would check those contents with your original post. So its better to check plagiarism of any content using Small SEO Tools before posting them on any website.

Plagiarism checker, Small SEO Tools is an easy tool to check plagiarism

Check plagiarism using (SST) plugin for WordPress

Now, if you want to check the plagiarism of your posted content on any WordPress website, you have to install the Small SEO Tools (SST) plugin for WordPress. It’s the best free plagiarism checker. Go to the Plugins of your WordPress Dashboard. Click on Add New to add this plagiarism checker software. Write down SST in the Search plugins option. Certainly, you’ll see the Plagiarism Checker By SST plugin at the top of the list. Install and activate the plugin on your WordPress website.

By the way, this plugin requires an API Key also. To get the API Key you have to register in Small SEO Tools. As a part of the registration process, it will ask you to verify your email address. Follow the necessary steps to verify your email address. After the successful verification, you’ll be able to access Small SEO Tools account. However, you’ll also get the API Key from there. Activate the SST plugin on your WordPress website using the API Key. After the successful installation, the Check Plagiarism option will appear when you add a new post. If you want to check plagiarism of the contents of your post, just click on Check Plagiarism. It will show you the results immediately.

how to check plagiarism before submitting a post
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how to check plagiarism before submitting a post
Now a days, particularly in content writing, plagiarism is a common problem. Plagiarism, known as literary theft is the act of taking someone else’s written works and using it as your own. In fact, you may copy data from pages, books, articles, or any other medium those own other people and claim it as your own. No doubt, this is a criminal act. Say, you don't copy-paste directly. You are used to take contents from other people work and reword them as necessary. If you reword, or take words, from someone else's work, it is important to show the source of the data inside your write up inserting the appropriate reference. In this case, if you don't refer another person's words or thoughts appropriately, this will be considered as an act of falsification. So this is very much important to check plagiarism before submitting a post.
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